Business Need
QCI (Quality Council of India) need Field Data Collection and Analytics platform for Sports Initiative wherein Sports centres needs to be assessed and accredited on various parameters in field.
As part of the Sports Initiative, QCI proposes to conduct assessment and survey of multiple Sports centres. The survey is planned to be segregated into following broad areas for each Sports Institute:
On the basis of data collection for these Sports Centres, various reports will be generated which will rank these centres on the basis of above defined parameters.
Survey Board application is provided to client which consists of a suite of Mobile and Web application which automated the data collection and ranking calculation process.
Survey Planning and Questionnaire Design
Online Self Assessment ( By Institutes)
Field Assessment of Sports Institute
Monitoring and Live QC of collected data
Reporting and Ranking based on 7 key parameters
Below features are provided in the Mobile Application to facilitate field users to conduct assessment of sports Institutes:
- Bi-Lingual – Application supports English and Hindi language.
- Dynamic allocation of Institutes to Field Assessors.
- Dynamic survey form generation using web application.
- Login for application security and storing user profile to login in disconnected mode.
- Capturing multimedia and syncing it along with survey data back to server.
- Compressing data for sending to server to minimize sync time and data usage.
- Providing draft feature to survey collected data in order to prevent data loss in case of device malfunctioning.
- Informing surveyor about the background processes (Syncing/Downloading) through notification.
This section provides various features that are provided in the application for digitization of accreditation process.
Questionnaire Design Module
Web application provided with a questionnaire design module which facilitated Admin users to design and develop Assessment questionnaire on dynamic basis.
- Ordering and additional sections/questions can be easily added.
- User can also mark which question will be associated with images (in mobile app) and documents (in online assessment).
- Admin user can also define marks against each option of question on the basis of which marks of an Institute will be evaluated.
Online Self Assessment
Sports Institutes can do self-assessment of their institutes using online self-assessment form provided to them.
Field Assessment of Sports Institute using Mobile device
Post Self-Assessment, Assessor conducts Field Assessment of Institute using Mobile Device. Same Questionnaire available on device to conduct assessment. Pictorial evidence can also be collected for selected questions.
Live QC/ Survey monitoring of Data Collection Work
Admin users provided with facility to review the data being collected by field assessors in the web application. They can review the records and review collected photos and update the assessor in case some record is to be recaptured.
Report generated from application in which marks and ranking of Institute provided for each of the defined categories.